Inkjet-Receptive Coatings Overview:
SOLV's Inkjet-Receptive coatings, like our Release Coatings, can be used for a broad range of applications, and are particularly suitable for printed and package products which would normally require customized setup to accommodate inkjet inks.

Our Inkjet-Receptive Coatings help reduce cost and increase product consistency by accepting ink directly to the same coating utilized for the entire product.

  • Avoid costly setup for varnish and knock-out windows on printed mailers
  • We offer customization by ink and ink-bases (alcohol, water, soy, etc.)
  • Our coatings can be formulated for specific drying-time requirements
  • Reduce waste utilizing our self-adhesive coating technologies


Applications for SOLV's Inkjet-Receptive Coatings
SOLV's Ink-Jet Receptive Coatings can be utilized for many applications, including those listed below.  Many of our coatings are also compliant with FDA 21CFR176.170 food contact regulations.
  • Packaging products such as self-mailers and pharmaceuticals packaging
  • Coated and glossy printed matter
  • Various Foil applications
  • Film, Photography and Graphics
  • Self-Adhesive papers and labels

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